Kinect Recruitment – Candidate Charter

At Kinect Recruitment, our passion extends beyond recruitment; we believe in providing an exceptional service that reflects our core principles and values. This charter serves as our written promise to you.


As a candidate working with us, you can expect the following:


  1. Market Insight & Career Advice: We'll provide unbiased career advice and valuable market insights to guide your decisions.


  2. Complete Job Details: You'll receive full job specifications, including salary and benefits.


  3. Personalised Interaction: We value face-to-face meetings and may suggest one before application submission. Your consultant will advise you accordingly.


  4. Interview Guidance: We'll provide detailed information to prepare you for interviews.


  5. Consent First: We won't submit your application without your explicit permission.


  6. Confidentiality: We commit to handling your application and data confidentially, in full compliance with GDPR.


  7. Data Security & Reliable Technology: We will store your data in a secure, encrypted environment. We will never sell or share your data for any reason other than for processing your application and job placement.


  8. Honest & Transparent Communication: We promise honest, accurate and consistent communication. We always aim to engage with empathy and integrity. We never intentionally mislead.


  9. Prompt Communication & Regular Updates: We commit to responding to your inquiries in a timely manner and promptly notify you when a position is filled or withdrawn.


  10. Your Feedback Matters: We value your feedback and make proactive improvements based on your input.